Several kind of maps useful to everybody.
Old maps
- Android app Cartes IGN F-Droid, allow to visualize aerial photographies at several time period, old and current maps side by side, since the carte de Cassini (1756).
- INK, used to get Soyuz, the first inhabited rockets, geolocalisation, far before first articial sattelites was launched and so, before GNSS was available.
- Unavoidable OpenStreetMap, probably the most advanced existing map, used in lot of web, desktop and mobile applications, with or without internet connexions.
Viewers and navigators
- Android/Linux and Gnu/Linux: Organic Maps F-droid, PKGBUILD Arch Linux AUR (It take sources on git(hub) repository, but these are stable releases. Allow offline usage, contain short text from Wikipedia about place (not always, depend on links to wikidata or wikipedia articles), and link to the associated page. If present in OSM, opening hours, website of the place, contact (including phone).
- GNU/Linux, nice for Linux mobile: Osmin, PKGBUILD Arch Linux allow offline usage but quit limited.
- Android/Linux only OSMand OSMand sur F-droid, more heavy, slow and complex than Organic Maps, but with far more option, several useful plugins. Allow offline, doesn't works well with (opensource Espeak TTS/Text-to-Speech).
- GNU/Linux (Qt) KDE Marble paquet Arch, online only, and only bitmap maps (experimental vector tiles are available), include Wikimedia Commons and FLickr pictures of places and Wikipedia articles.
- Navit, Android, one of the oldest one, but not very advanced. 3D/23 navigation modes.
- Mepo Linux desktop and mobile, Light and fast OSM viewer.
- GNOME Maps for Linux desktop, not very advanced in my point of view.
Web maps with 3d rendering
- minimalistic
- f4map demo contains some advanced objects, can display the 3d relief of ground, sync with realtime meteo
Specialized maps
- openinframap, map of infrastructures
Map creation to highlight datas
- Umap, Umap en français, for devs is a website helping to create online maps with customized datas visualisation. It is also possible to extract vector maps for offline usage, to print them and so. Easy enough to be used by everyone, advanced enough to build complex maps for professionnals. (umap code source)
- Umap is based, as a lot of web maps using OSM, on Leaflet, Leaflet code source, a light and very customsable map navigator/viewer.
Request on and edition of data tools
- Overpass-Turbo fast and efficient tool to request on OSM databases. Help to found quickly nodes/ways/areas/relations from several critera and specific area. Results can be exported, or displayed on OSM bitmap map. It is also possible to click on objects and obtain an URL link for its edition on
- OSM ↔ Wikidata Matcher help to cross refs between OSM and wikidata.
- contains some very useful tools
- osm-python-tools, Python language libraries to manage OSM datas (AUR: python-osmpythontools) (and its companion LexData for Wikidata datas).
- Relatify is a web editor of OSM, specialized in public transportation.
Map geometric edition
- Building drawing tips, a perfect guide by Koreller, for JOSM.
- JOSM a java interface
- iD the javascript interface included in OpenStreetMap website for editing geometric datas
- Vespucci for Android (F-Droid) not very convenient but, maybe if you have mouse connected to your phone/tablet, a very precise stylus, or Waydroid installed on your desktop/mobile computer.
Misc help to compare with on-field photographies
- OpenAerialMap contain pictures from drons, planes, satellites. (Id openstreetmapeditor contains also pictures from satellites and planes, and JOSM can download them too).
- Panoramax Pictures take from streets/roads
Specific to France
- Archéozoom par l'INRAP, maps of archeological sites.
- hot/cold urban networks in France
- OpenCarbuMap permet de trouver les statsions dont le prix des carburants est le moins élevé, se base sur les données ouvertes gouvernementales. Ma propre instance (tout en local), l'instance des auteurs (dépend de cloudflaire)
- Cartographie des médias locaux en France ne donne pas la patérnité à OpenStreetMap, malheureusement, ce qui n'est pas très jolijoli.
- Carte du Criirad de pollution au tritium des centrales nucléaires
- Map of gaz price in Spain mapa de precios de la gasolina