How to install Arch from a Debian or derivative (or other arch), using bootstrap archive and chroot.
Also added some tips for Manjaro-keyring problems, this arch derivative is well known for that.
The command pacstrap also help to install arch, the official tutorial explains how to use it
WIP: Still doesn't manage to have a bootable UEFI+GPT, systemd-boot UEFI Boot Manager, bootable system (See also Archiwiki systemd-boot dedicated page)
I recommand to make a bootable installation iso first in case of problems.
First get the ISO from ArchLinux website links (mirror or torrent), and verify it via website given sha256sum.
Get to the Last release from the ArchLinux official website download page
Keep the chain at the right of sha256
in "Checksums and signature" section for latter verification and get the iso via:
for bittorrent case, if you don't already use a bittorrent client, install aria2c (depending on your OS, pacman -S aria2c
or apt install aria2c
) and then get the file:
aria2c magnet:?xt=urn:btih:186e418c3db64cf184f505ef85d4fa30928e6252&dn=archlinux-2024.11.01-x86_64.iso
or get the file from a mirror with wget
or curl
(should be already installed):
curl -OR
Lot of people recommand to use dd, and it was natural until few years ago to write iso image on SDcard (via (USB) sdcard reader, I don't use USB pen drive, that are often not reliables).
With dd
dd bs=1024 if=archlinux-2024.11.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb
There is this result
Périphérique Amorçage Début Fin Secteurs Taille Id Type
/dev/sdb1 32768 124735487 124702720 59,5G 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
Result with isoimagewriter:
Périphérique Amorçage Début Fin Secteurs Taille Id Type
/dev/sdb1 * 64 2004991 2004928 979M 0 Vide
/dev/sdb2 2004992 2363391 358400 175M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
On Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu PopOS, etc)
apt install wget ztdcat chroot
On Arch Linux and derivatives (Manjaro, etc)
pacman -S arch-install-scripts wget
Get and prepare the filesystem
wget https://$mirroir/$archive
mount /dev/sdX /mnt/linux
cd /mnt/linux
zstdcat ~/$archive | tar xf -
mv root.x86_64/* .
rmdir root.x86_64
Push immediatly your SSH public key, it can save lot of time later:
First, if you don't have one:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Tip, at the time of the creation an ASCIIart picture is displayed, it is usefull to memorize if a key is the created key Here is a good explanation about "what is the ssh-key random ASCIIart image for?"
mkdir -p /mnt/linux/root/.ssh
cat ~/.ssh/ >/mnt/linux/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
After chrooting:
# if you need to clean former keys: rm -rf /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux
# if you use manjaro: pacman-key --populate manjaro
pacman -Syu
pacman -S gnupg archlinux-keyring
# if you use manjaro: pacman -S manjaro-keyring
pacman-key --refresh-keys
pacman-key --populate archlinux
# if you use manjaro: pacman-key --populate manjaro
pacman -Syu
pacman -s gnupg archlinux-keyring
# if you use manjaro: pacman -S manjaro-keyring
Warning, Manjaro is especially buggy/wrongly documented about keyrenew. It can become hell, if you didn't updated it for long time. if after the previous step, package are still not validated, just press n to each removal query (to keep downloaded packages), and unarchive content of the package and install it manually in /var/cache/pacman/pkg. (the last manjaro-keyring package can be found here:
cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg
mkdir un; cd un
tar xf ../manjaro-keyring-*-any.pkg.tar.zst
cp -a usr/share/pacman/keyrings/* /usr/share/pacman/keyrings/
/usr/bin/pacman-key --populate manjaro
cd ..
rm -R un
It should work fine now, probably still some problem of change in package names/contents/dependencies.
pacman -S linux linux-firmware vi sudo pacman-contrib mlocate rsync wget nvme-cli grub os-prober gparted dosfstools mtools \
rng-tools lzop squashfs-tools sbsigntools libfido2 usbutils \
byobu less man brotli unzip bzip3 dpkg rpmextract lhasa gnu-netcat elinks w3m
pacman-contrib is an useful package, containing several tools:
It has mlocate and vim as optional dependencies, both used by pacdiff
The root password will be asked two times. Think about change your user password if you make one.
Set your locale according to your City or Region:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
pacman -S networkmanager networkmanager-openvpn nftables unbound
Uncomment your used or prefered languages here, some recommande en_US, I never use it, it's still works fine, and then generate the locales:
sed -i s/#fr_FR.UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8/g /etc/locale.gen # French from France
sed -i s/#zh_CN.UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8/g /etc/locale.gen # Simplified chinese from Mainland China
sed -i s/#zh_SG.UTF-8/zh_SG.UTF-8/g /etc/locale.gen # Simplified chinese from Singapur and Malaysia
sed -i s/#zh_TW.UTF-8/zh_TW.UTF-8/g /etc/locale.gen # Traditonnal chinese from Insular China (Taiwan and Fujian islands), sometime used in mainland too.
sed -i s/#ja_JP.UTF-8/ja_JA.UTF-8/g /etc/locale.gen # Japanese from Honshū
locale-gen # regenerate locales
if you have multiple bootable OS think to disable the disabling os OS_PROBER:
sed -i s/#GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/ /etc/default/grub
!!!WARNING!! this is for BIOS/MBR mode parition disk and installing on first disk, replace /dev/sda by the real disk
parted /dev/sdb
> set 2 bios_grub on
Install grub
grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
!!!warning, thing to change device, here is for UEFI/GPT mode You need to mount the boot partition (type ef02) first:
parted /dev/sdx set X bios_grub on
mkdir -p /boot/
mount /dev/sdxX -o umask=0077 /boot/
#grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck
#grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # for os_probe and install current prefs
mkinitcpio -P
bootctl --esp-path=/boot --boot-path=/boot install
cat >/boot/loader/loader.conf <<EOF
default arch.conf
timeout 3
editor no
dev=`df | grep /$ | awk '{print $1}'`
ID=`blkid $dev | cut -d '"' -f 10`
cat >/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf <<EOF
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=PARTUUID=${ID} rw
# What does systemctl enable NetworkManager (the dispatcher has a different name)
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service /etc/systemd/system/
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-dispatcher.service /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service /etc/systemd/system/
# What does systemctl enable unbound (for uncensored domain name service resolution and cache)
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/unbound.service /etc/systemd/system/
# !!! Warning !!! You will have to set in Network-manager "network address only" with DHCP, and
# add as DNS to access to unbound.
# Manually add ``namserver`` in /etc/resolv.conf can work for few minutes, before
# Network-manager set it back to default DHCP set one
# generate sshd keys (would be done, if you want or don't want to use it
# avoid DSA (disabled on recent OS due to security reason) and ECDSA (enable as default on Ubuntu)
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ${SSHETC}/ssh_host_rsa_key -N ""
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ${SSHETC}/ssh_host_ed25519_key -N ""
#####!!!!! if you want to enable sshd !!!! THINK TO VERIFY FIREWALL RULES !!!!####
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service /etc/systemd/system/
It will probably ask you which keyboard choose etc.
systemctl start NetworkManager;systemctl enable NetworkManager
systemctl start unbound; systemctl enable unbound # resolution without censorship
systemctl start nftables; systemctl enable nftables # minimal protection from external intrusions
systemctl start bluetooth.service; systemctl enable bluetooth.service
Warning, by default nftables accept SSH from everywhere, you can comment the following line in /etc/nftables.conf if you don't need it:
sed -i s/tcp dport ssh accept/# tcp dport ssh accept/ /etc/nftables.conf
fallocate -l 16G $swapfile
chmod 600 $swapfile
mkswap $swapfile
echo "${swapfile} none swap sw 0 0" >>/etc/fstab
pacman -S --needed iputils dnsutils tcpdump geoip2-database whois
Note: strace is a useful debug tool, it allow to trace what do a binary at runing time
pacman -S --needed base-devel git namcap luajit ninja scons go rust emscripten clang gdb strace
pacman -S geany-plugins
pacman -S love raylib retroarch gamemode sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_sound sdl2_ttf sdl2_net smpeg
yay -S sokol-git
pacman -S bluez bluez-utils bluez-hid2hci bluez-mesh bluez-tools ell sbc dnsmasq
pacman -S --needed pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack pipewire-libcamera \
pipewire-v4l2 gst-plugin-pipewire cmus xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin pavucontrol \
!!! pulseaudio-bluetooth conflicte, déjà inclus dans pipewire de base !!!
pacman -S --needed pngquant optipng graphicsmagick openjpeg2
pacman -S --needed svgo scour svgcleaner nanosvg pdf2svg png2svg python-tinycss2
I put several option to compact/clean svg for light file release (Web, ingame etc), SVGo, Scour, SVGcleaner. SVGcleaner is the more complete, but you could like others? If you instal SVGO that lake of inkscape-transform (SVGCleaner has it). inkscape-applytransforms need python-tinycss2, but it is not wrote as dependency on this old and unmaintained package.
yay -S inkscape-applytransforms
#s Graphic tools for linking audio components
pacman -S --needed helvum qpwgraph
pacman -S --needed bass faad flac libavcodec libmad libmpcdec libvorbis libsndfile libsoxr opus libogg mac \
libid3tag libsamplerate twolame openal sox
pacman -S --needed fluidsynth wildmidi sonviox
pacman -S --needed libmikmod libmodplug libsidplayfp # trackers mods
pacman -S vmpk timidity++ muse qtractor rtmidi patroneo qmidiarp lmms ardour
pacman -S --needed xfce4 redshift lightdm lightdm-gkt-greater xorg-xkill \
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-volumed-pulse \
xfce4-netload-plugin libnm libnma libnma-gtk4 network-manager-applet blueman \
xfce4-verve-plugin xfce4-power-manager \
xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-places-plugin xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-screensaver \
geeqie fbida gphoto2
Probably not the most interesting, could depand on personal choices
pacman -S --needed xfce4-mixer
pacman -S --needed xfce4-panel-profiles
pacman -S xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
pacman -S --needed ibus-libpinyin ibus-anthy ibus-hangul ibus-unikey ibus-table
cat >>.xprofile <<EOF
ibus-daemon -rxRd
Resstart user session should be needed
pacman -S --needed libdrm mesa mesa-utils ibva-mesa-driver vulkan-mesa-layers vulkan-swrast mesa-vdpau mesa-utils opencl-rusticl-mesa opencl-clover-mesa spirv-tools vulkan-tools
Depending on your architecture and applications:
Some video drivers could be needed depending on your platform/VPU/GPU, to avoir to overload CPU:
pacman -S --needed file-roller p7zip unrar brotli zdstd xz
pacman -S --needed gimp mypaint krita inkscape pencil2d
Blender is the reference tool for building 3D worlds, pictures, animation. It also contains Grease Pencil, a pouwerful 2d animation tool, that allow mixing of both 2d and 3d animation.
pacman -S --needed blender
pacman -S --needed gst-libav gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly x264 x265 libmatroska libtheora \
video conversion (beside great ffmpeg, could expand it)
pacman -S --needed svt-av1 svt-hevc svt-vp9 v4l-utils
pacman -S --needed asciinema ffmpeg mpv yt-dlp rtmpdump atomicparsley vlc lua-socket live-media ttf-dejavu \
libxvmc libxxf86vm libva libvdpau libvdpau-gl libvdpau-va-gl av1an ffms2 mkvtoolnix-cli vokoscreen \
python-mutagen python-pycryptodome python-pycryptodomex python-websockets python-brotli python-brotlicffi \
python-xattr python-pyxattr python-secretstorage
pacman -S kdenlive shotcut
Xournalpp is a graphic and vector note taking application
pacman -S --needed xournalpp
pacman -S --needed opendesktop-fonts ttf-liberation ttf-liberation-mono-nerd ttf-linux-libertine-g
pacman -S --needed noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra noto-fonts-cjk ttf-arphic-ukai ttf-arphic-uming
pacman -S --needed birdfont fontforge font-manager
X11 has XDMCP for remote display
pacman -S --needed libxdmcp xwaylandvideobridge wayvnc tigervnc
pacman -S --needed dino telegram-desktop hexchat
pacman -S --needed riscv32-elf-binutils riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc xa acme
pacman -S --needed openfpgaloader tinyprog yosys iverilog verilator graphviz xdot yices cvc4 z3 vtr \
python-pythondata-cpu-picorv32 python-pythondata-cpu-vexriscv python-litex
pacman -S --needed android-file-transfer android-tools android-udev scrcpy smali
pacman -S --needed qemu-full qemu-user-static qemu-user-static-binfmt tinyemu
Tools for managine VM
pacman -S --needed virt-manager virt-install virt-viewer virt-what
pacman -S --needed mame fs-uae-launcher hatari vice stella libretro retroarch
There are a bunch of retroarch/libretro emulators, I let you search in packages with 'libretro' search query
pacman -S --needed box64
Simple-scan is relatively simple, and will install scanner dependencies, depending on scanner vendor it could be interesting to add specialized tools (hplip for hp, for epson, etc) sane-airscan and sane-gt68xx-firmware can be necessary with some config Only simple-scan and some Qt/KDE equivalent are available in default arch, I tend to prefer xsane than is plain X but more powerful. Il is available only with AUR (see below)
pacman -S --needed simple-scan
bootstraping AUR with yay
mkdir -p ~/.cache/yay/yay
cd ~/.cache/yay/yay
wget -O PKGBUILD ''
makepkg -A
sudo pacman -U yay-*.pkg.tar.*
yay -S curl-http3-ngtcp2 curl-quiche-git
This order need to be respected due to current (november 2024) problems with packages settings:
yay -S prjapicula prjtrellis-db-git
yay -S nextpnr-git silice-git
yay -S python-bronzebeard
yay -S rvvm libriscv
yay -S caparice32-git openmsx fuse-emulator oricutron vecx-git xcpc zesarux z26
xsane is a bit old-fashioned looking, but have far more option than Gnome/KDE alternatives and has a Gimp plugin:
yay -S xsane
There is also a Gimp plugin
yay -S xsane-gimp
Pixelart animation software
yay -S libresprite
Drawpile is a collaborative whiteboard and animation software that support tablet pressure/tilt and network
You can install meta-package that will install localy both client and server, or just install client or server, depending on your will:
yay -S drawpile libmicrohttpd
You can also install both on desktop and don't start server.
To start server:
For z80, including MSX, Amstrad,Sinclair,...
yay -S asmsx z80asm cpctools
For 65xx (dxa65 = debbuger, xa package is available via pacman for assembler/linker), including C64/VIC20,Oric,Apple][,Atar2600/400/800... cc65 is also a C compiler and a linker with intersting libs and tools
yay -S dxa65 dasm cc65
dasm also disassemble Motorola 680x (Including Hitachi extended one), 68705, 68HC11 and Fairchild F8
Multi 8 bits arch (65xx, 68xx (as Vectrex), z80) and 16/32 bits (for vasm) including ARM, PPC, 68K, jagrisc, x86, naked_asm: most ISA even RISC-V, Xtensa and WebAssembly, wla_dx: GB-Z80/Z80/Z80N/6502/65C02/65CE02/65816/68000/6800/6801/6809/8008/8080/HUC6280/SPC-700/SuperFX
Pacman -S asxxxx vasm crasm-git naken-asm wla-dx-git
pacman -S tic80-pro-git meg4-git microw8-src
yay -S optivorbis
Warning, this package is not very good, it reinstall its own version of nodejs, instead of using the one on the system.
yay -S vdhcoapp
Alternatively, the application itself say to use this:
curl -sSLf | bash
## Music creation
yay -S zrythm